11 Oct. 2022

Worrying – how to master your thinking?

When we worry excessively, we often experience a sense of “chaos” in our minds, a racing of thoughts, a feeling of being in a tunnel of anxiety, concentration difficulties, and challenges in decision-making. Working on excessive worrying will be crucial in changing thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that perpetuate the problem. A significant element will also be to “master” thinking processes – this will give us the space to examine our thoughts and take action. It will be particularly helpful in situations where worries involve current problems that require solutions.

1. Slow down – limit stimuli; try engaging in a healthy activity to reduce tension (e.g., take a walk).

2. Focus – create a list of tasks to accomplish; prioritize; check which matters can wait and which require immediate action; start by taking one step – remember: “one problem at a time.”

3. Organize thoughts – begin solving problems; shorten to-do lists; start making decisions; analyze the gains and losses of your actions and decisions; “put off” the matter for 24 hours.

4. Practice mindfulness – practice distancing yourself from your thoughts – thoughts are not facts.

If we manage to slow down the “train” of worries even a little, it will be much easier to examine our anxious thoughts and problematic coping strategies (e.g., avoidance, procrastination).

If you observe that the issue of worrying is overwhelming you, seek help from a specialist. A cognitive-behavioral therapist (CBT) can help you better understand and resolve the issue of excessive worrying.

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