Third wave of therapy

Significant progress has been made in cognitive behavioural therapy since its beginnings in the 1950s. Further scientific research and therapeutic practice have given rise to new theories, approaches and methods, which allows us to speak of “therapies” rather than one cognitive-behavioural “therapy”. The development process of cognitive behavioural therapies is often referred to as the “three waves”.


The “first wave” of behavioural therapies is considered to include the methods based on classical and instrumental conditioning research of behaviourists such as Watson, Skinner and Pavlov. The methods were especially helpful for people suffering from post-traumatic stress. The achievements of this stage are still used by contemporary therapists.


The achievements founded by the “second wave” of cognitive-behavioural therapies include i.a. cognitive models of mental disorders. Such models integrated thoughts, beliefs in our understanding of the world, changes in behaviours and emotional experience. It was Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis who pioneered such changes.


The “third wave” evolved from the traditional approach applied in cognitive therapies, adding to them the elements such as mindfulness, focus on cognitive processes, emphasis on therapeutic relationship, values and spirituality. The new methods have been developed in response to the need of more effective techniques in treating complex problems, as well as the need for patients’ personal development. This is what makes them extremely helpful in treating personality disorders and recurrent disorders.
The “third wave” includes i.a. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Metacognitive Therapy (MCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Schema Therapy.


In my work of a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, I use the techniques of both the “classical” approach and the achievements of the “third wave”.

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Monday to Friday: 14:00-18:00
PHONE: + 48 882 511 914

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