28 Oct. 2023


Strong self-criticism can be associated with having high standards and perfectionism, but often also with a low sense of self-worth or a depressive state.
Unfortunately, constant self-criticism affects our emotions and behaviors. It lowers mood, reduces motivation, is a source of frustration, leads to giving up on important activities, or overburdening oneself with work.
Changing one’s self-perception is possible, but it won’t happen in a week – it will result from daily, even seemingly small changes in thinking and behavior.

Below is a brief reminder of what to pay attention to in your daily efforts to stop self-criticism:

· Set achievable goals for yourself.

· Replace critical remarks with rewards.

· Let go of judgment and engage in action.

· Place your skills on a scale.

· Practice distancing yourself from critical thoughts.

· Don’t take yourself too seriously.

· Practice self-compassion.

· Try to learn from mistakes.

· Don’t confuse admiration with sympathy.

· Come to terms with the fact that you won’t be “perfect”.

Reading: R. Leahy, “Beat the Blues Before They Beat You: Overcoming Depression”

English-speaking psychologists and cognitive-behavioral therapists based in Cracow, Poland. We also offer online psychotherapy and counseling.
Consulta psicológica y terapia en español en Cracovia u online.


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