18 Jul. 2024

Constructive concerns or worrying?

Each of us worries from time to time – but do our concerns always relate to real threats and problems? Constructive concerns involve issues that are likely and significant to our functioning. If they pertain to a situation within our control, we can try to take action. On the other hand, worrying is constant pondering, “what if…” and often involves matters that are possible but unlikely.
For example, if there are layoffs and downsizing in my workplace, I may have a valid concern about losing my job. In that case, I can start looking for a new job.
If my job is stable, and I keep wondering if I will be laid off – that looks like worrying.
Let’s use these questions to determine if my concerns are valid:

  • Is the likelihood of this event extremely low?
  • What do I anticipate?
  • What problem needs to be solved? What reasonable actions can I take?
  • Am I worrying about things over which I have little control?

Are my concerns constructive? Why or why not?

English-speaking psychologists and cognitive-behavioral therapists based in Cracow, Poland. We also offer online psychotherapy and counseling.
Consulta psicológica y terapia en español en Cracovia u online.


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