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Psychologist. Psychotherapist currently undergoing four years of training in psychotherapy. Participant in a four-year training course in cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy recommended by the Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy. Member of the Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy.
Graduate of psychology at the Jagiellonian University, postgraduate studies “Special education” at Pedagogical University of Cracow and advanced training in DBT – dialectical behavioural therapy.
Professional experience gained at University Hospital in Krakow, educational care facility, psychological and pedagogical counselling centre. Improves her skills by participating in training end conferences. Interested in the “Third Wave” Therapy, especially Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.
Four-year training in cognitive-behavioural therapy (Instytut Poznawczy, Kraków)
Advanced training in DBT – dialectical behavioural therapy
Special education (Pedagogical University, Kraków)
Pedagogical training (Jagiellonian University)
Psychology (Jagiellonian University)
Areas of assistance
Psychotherapist of children, adolescents, and adults.