Listening is a skill – perhaps the most important one if we want to communicate effectively with others. It is not synonymous with hearing, as we often hear the words, but not their meaning.
Below are a few examples of obstacles to listening:
1. “Mind Reading” – assuming you know what your conversation partner is feeling and thinking.
2. Mentally Planning the Next Response – thinking about your next statement instead of focusing on the speaker’s words.
3. Judging Without Attempting to Understand – forming judgments without trying to understand the other person’s perspective.
4. Giving Advice – seeking solutions instead of providing understanding.
5. Changing the Subject, Redirecting Attention – especially when the speaker discusses something difficult for them.
6. Insisting on Being Right – reluctance to acknowledge that you might be wrong.
7. Filtering – only listening to what interests you.
What obstacles do you recognize in yourself?
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